
  Tweet memories Karel Reus: June 2023 A lament for the silencing of the bush. In response to the Bards topic for June 2023: "Songbird" I venture out into the bush, as is my wont — with water bottle, vegan picnic lunch, a big hat and a well-thumbed copy of What Bird Was That ? [1] I hope to catch a glimpse of the fabled Southern Pied Yellow-banded Grub-chucker — wot was in these parts—once. Will I, instead come across a remnant sparrow or fancy that I hear a distant carol from a magpie of blessed memory? My present ornithological ramblings are marked by absences and memories— and regrets that I and my kind have stuffed up— comprehensively. What noisome chirping will greet the rambles of my descendants, or will a robot’s artifice do the honours from their ‘phones? Extinction is so permanent and yet, one hopes, this growing silence presages new beginnings—maybe… The big question is whether I and my lot will be around to hear it. The “Good Book” says: “See, I
  Let's privatise the church Karel Reus Let’s privatise the church let’s corner the market on scarce resources such as forgiveness and compassion and inside information on absolutely everything. Let’s sell shares and indulge shareholders with dividends including privileged access to eternal life and the means of grace and the paraphernalia of holiness. Let’s focus on growth by way of mergers and takeovers. Let’s create a cryptocurrency of spirituality to replace the economy of dogma and belief and to divert attention from a threadbare faith. Let’s trim the workforce to its bare bones and indoctrinate it with a sense of duty rather than a knowledge of rights; and assure the workers that the whole shebang is for their benefit. Let’s convince the teeming masses that their raison d’ĂȘtre is charity rather than justice; that gross inequality is the best we can expect from an economic status quo that sponsors a few fat cats and allows a little bit of trickling down.

My life in thirteen lines

My life in thirteen lines ©Karel Reus, July 2017 The philosopher in me asked questions. Been there! Done that! The activist in me sought change. But not much happened. The theologian in me proposed answers. But mistook the questions. The poet growing in me probes between the words and lines and fossicks for the mind of God hope.

Dotting the eye

Dotting the eye Two entries into a Tanka Diary Are you a person that dots your "i"s as you come to them or do you wait until the word is done and hasten back to complete unfinished business? Does the syntax of your life demand immediate attention to detail or can you set-a-spell and return to add the finishing touches?


  Ark Karel Reus: April 2023 Set theme " Ark ” for the Blooming Bards meeting: 27-04-2023 A climate-change dreaming   Tell-tale signs of climactic change are lapping at the gangplank of the master Ark-ivist’s much derided life-boat.   The insistent waves beat counterpoint upon his hopes. It seemed worthwhile when he started this dream-begotten task but now his collecting distracts him from the real job.   Whatever that may be…   He consults his checklist. “Let’s see, now….. Has he missed anything commended by his dreams? Has he collected:            Some that squeal:  Check          Some that growl:   Check          Some that tweet:   Check          Some that grunt:   Check          Some that hustle:   Check          Some that cringe:   Check          Some with no discernible purpose: Check          Some with no redeeming features: Check          Some that go “woof”:   Check          Some that purr:   Check          Some that slither: